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Electronic Security Services

STS Group can provide same-day-service on alarm systems, video systems, access control, active shooter systems and more. We believe in data and measure our response times, call back ratio and dispatch/completion intervals to ensure that we remain the best in the industry.

Electronic Security Products You Can Trust

We don’t just sell products, we consult. Our broad span of products and product knowledge allows us to make sure that you are provided with the most cost effective and practical solution engineered to exceed your expectations.

Electronic Security Solutions

The financial industry landscape has changed. Combating today’s criminals and providing a secure work environment for employees demands more security solutions. Having a partner that understands these challenges and stays in tune with electronic security solutions is key.

Our culture continues to draw the strongest talent in the industry. If it can be done, STS Group can make it happen. Each opportunity starts with a floor plan and ends with a comprehensive presentation. The engineered electronic security blueprint serves as the playbook for procurement, projects and service making sure that STS delivers!

Ready to Learn More?

If you would like to schedule a no-obligation security consultation please contact STS Group at 855-683-9259 or click here to request a quote.